Kernel #3: Reintroducing the third eye, the home of intuition
The facts behind a vestigial organ and ancient religious symbol
There are seven places in our body that house energy. These centers are where nerve points meet. In the middle of our eyebrows lies the energy center commonly known as the “third eye”, or the agya chakra.
This spot is most commonly associated with intuition. It is connected to the pineal and pituitary glands.
Let’s start with the pineal gland. It is the center of the brain. It receives information about light-dark cycle from the environment to secrete the hormone melatonin (only secreted during dark periods of the day and therefore, a measure of the internal circadian clock).
On to the pituitary gland. While it is only the size of a pea, the pituitary gland is known as the “master gland”. It produces hormones that controls, sending signals and help to organs and glands throughout the body.
Alright, back to the third eye.
Scientists consider the “third eye” a vestigial organ in humans. Some species of frogs and lizards still have a third eye on their skulls. Through human evolution, the third eye lost most of its function and the pineal gland took over its role. Because the skull protects the pineal gland from external toxins in the environment, the pineal gland is a superior version and advantageous evolutionarily.
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To understand why the third eye is associated with higher consciousness, we need to know about three important waves (alpha, beta and gamma):
Alpha waves are emitted when people experience serenity, relaxation or joy. (For dolphins, these waves acts as sonar.)
Beta ways are emitted when people experience sadness, stress or grief.
Gamma waves are experienced only in a deep meditative state. To activate these waves, a person must regularly experience alpha waves.
When a person experiences gamma waves, they are thought to be unlocking their third eye. Spiritually, culturally and religiously, the third eye has long been a symbol of higher consciousness, though never verified by scientists. However in rats, scientists have observed that the pineal gland secretes DMT (psychedelic hormone dimethyltryptamine).
So, how do you explore your third eye?
Breathing exercises
What are benefits of opening up your third eye?
Concentration, decisiveness, bliss
Clear thinking, self-reflection, perception
Quality of sleep, lucid dreaming
When unlocked, the color blue or purple is said to be experienced. This meta organ has been a tale as old as time in Hinduism, Taoism and Buddhism. With this conversation swinging back to our roots (spirituality, meditation and mindfulness), the healing nature of the third eye is coming back to center stage.
What meditative practices do you engage in?